After making the decision in the beginning of this year to get myself more organized, I have realized a few things. One thing is, that it takes time to form new habits. Life is a process.
Life also is like a puzzle, you have to get certain pieces in place before you can see the whole picture.
Sometimes it's good to stop, breath and think before acting.
It could be called mindfulness.
When you're in a hurry it's easier to rush forward. Instead of stopping and thinking what you could do differently. Is this hurry something, that could be avoided by slowing down for a while and re-organizing things?
The changes can be very small. Still they can be helpful.
This year I have managed to finish things better than before. It has become possible only by concentrating on one thing at a time. Less multitasking, and more concentration on one task. Also finishing that task, always when it's possible.
It's very simple. Doing only one thing at a time.
Productivity doesn't come from doing more and faster. By doing more than one thing you will become busier for sure. Studies have shown, that multitasking makes us less productive.
Our full presence to the task at hand, the conversation, the true connection is compromised by our inability to unplug and do just one thing.
"You can only breathe out if you breath in" -John Lennon
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