
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

More productive in writing

Do you have a writing project on you mind and don't know where to start?

I know the feeling. The whole project feels overwhelming. And it seems like it's never the right time for writing.

For a long time writing was very difficult for me. I had a lot of ideas, and was writing something regularly. The problem was that I had no clue how to keep it all together. Before going forward from that point I had to become better at routines and scheduling. To learn how to schedule time for writing, and to make those moments productive. It´s not easy to keep focused on one thing, but I think it's possible to learn.

There is always something else that needs you attention and interruptions come. The right time will never come, unless you schedule time for it!

Here are some helpful tips to get forward with writing.

Setting goals

Without goals and deadlines time will just pass by. Set a deadline for your project.

Break the project down. If you already have a lot of written material, the first step could be to go through all you material, and set up a deadline for that.

Remember that anything doesn't happen in just a few weeks. For example when I started going through my material for lyrics, I set up a deadline for it.

Write a little every day

This is the best way to get forward. Writing everyday for at least 15 minutes doesn't seem impossible. And then there is time to think about your ideas in between. When you start writing regularly, it will become easier.

What's a good time to write? I've been reading how many people write in the morning. That could be a really good time.

Maybe it has to do with the daily rhythm what time is the best. Even though I thought early mornings are best for me, afternoons can also be very good. It really depends on the day, some days are so full with things to do, that no time feels like the right time. Or the best time can be late in the evening.

Does it matter where you write? I've been writing a lot home, many times being distracted. A good place for writing could also be a café.

Good luck with your writing!


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