
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Leading your own life

Repost from 22.10.2018 (Leading Yourself)

Every moment of every day we are each called to be the leader of our own lives. We have the power to make our own choices.

What does it mean to be leading your own life?

Simply it could be taking care of yourself. Making good choices and getting things organized.
Someone has said, that before you can lead others, you must be able to lead yourself.

I think the important question is, how is it even possible to be organized without getting stressed out? When you have a lot of things to do, it seems almost impossible to be well organized and unstressed. The key to this has to be in prioritizing things. It takes a lot of self-discipline.

It's easy to make lists of what you should do and how to take control of your life. In reality it's much more complicated. I don't want my life to feel like a day in the army. Now you do this and now you do that, and in the end of the day you feel exhausted. On the other hand I don't want to be struggling with an endless to-do list, without getting anything done and dreams waiting for their accomplishment until forever.

Well planned is half done. With good planning it's possible to get more time for the things you would like to do. Those things are making you feel relaxed. I enjoy singing, playing guitar and drawing. Still these are something, that I don't have much time to do.

Here are some important points to think about:

Limit time wasting activities
Can you stay away from your phone, when you don't need it? Social media takes easily a lot of time without even noticing it.

Work - life balance
Finding rest, not burning yourself out. Getting the exercise you need and eating well. This has also to do with knowing your own limits. It's good to sometimes push yourself beyond your limits and reach out for your dreams. And sometimes realize, that we are only human. Every moment can not be effective.
    Leadership is action
    Make good choices. Every action is a reflection of the character. Today's actions are tomorrow's results.

    Everything can't be done in one day
    You have to take one step at a time.

    Life is like walking you take one step at a time. -Taylor Swift


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