Plans are nothing; planning is everything. -Dwight D. Eisenhower
There is a difference between having a plan and doing real planning.
Last year when I planted my vegetable garden, I had a plan. My plan was to buy vegetable seeds, and I knew more or less what to buy.
The carrot seeds (and some other seeds too) were so small, that I accidentally planted too many of them. When the carrots (and the other vegetables) started growing I had no idea whether they were weeds or not. This happened because there were not growing in obvious lines. The other challenge was, that they were growing too close to each other and didn't get enough space.
At that point some of the plants should have been removed and the ones remaining could have received more space. Survival of the fittest.
Although I forgot the planning, my vegetable garden was quite alright last year. It could have been better though.
The challenges were:
- I didn't remember what was growing there
- The plants were not growing in clear lines, which made it hard to find the weeds
- Some plants were removed with the weeds
- The carrots became very small
- I forgot to collect some of the vegetables
- I found some surprise vegetables
The strengths were:
- Peas, potatoes and salad was growing well
- We did eat most of the vegetables (that were identified)
This year I did some things differently.
Before planting there was planning. I sketched the whole area on paper. Planned the rows, what would be growing where and made paths in places, that would make it easier to pull weeds.
Planting sticks worked as a reminder of what what planted.
This year I know at least what is growing in my vegetable garden.