
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Pregnancy hormones and ice cream

Oh, the joys of pregnancy. Being pregnant the first time was unique. I remember how I was lifting and carrying heavy things, renovating house feeling energetic and things like that. All the time on my feet. There was no backache, running to the toilet, baby kicking in belly at night-time...No wait. I'm sure I have forgotten a part of it. The last two months were not that fun. Anyhow I enjoyed it mostly.

Now I'm over halfway through my pregnancy. And wondering why was it easier the first time? I guess everything was so new. There was time to sleep long nights and lazy mornings. Time to take naps (did I?), think about how to eat healthy, write a diary, feel how the baby was moving in belly and what stuff to buy.

And now? No time to rest, early mornings and late evenings. Energy coming and going (mostly going). And those stupid forms to fill in about this and that. Playing with 3-year-old. Crawling into a Pippi Longstocking tent (because it's my home), finding differences from two pictures, shopping food in snowstorm, travelling to work. Feeling snappy. The pregnancy hormones! There has to be more of them now.

Those beautiful kicks in the belly have changed to someone training for the Olympics inside you. Turning and rolling. Can you stop that now? And healthy eating, yeah right.

I've been looking forward to this and am happy about it, yes. But it's different this time. It's not about expecting less the baby. There is just not that much time to concentrate on being pregnant.

Maybe closer to the due date I will wonder is it going to happen now for real?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Everyone has a story

While studying scriptwriting, one teacher gave feedback about my texts. She said: "You are trying to teach people (what to do), they should find out theirselves." There was a good point in that. So, there are no ready answers. Let me tell you a story.

One day I was walking home from work. There was lying a man on the pavement, unconcious. I saw him from a distance. A lot of people were just walking past him, no one did stop or even pay any attention to him. Maybe he had just passed out because of drinking too much. Or used drugs. Who knows. But there he was. Someone's son, father, husband, boyfriend or ex.

I was walking closer. A man on a bike had stopped. He had his phone in his hand, still hesitating. Another man turned around with his bike and stopped too. They started to discuss with each other, who of them shoud call 911. The other said " I have to go to the lecture, can you handle this?" Silence. Luckily (for the man lying on the ground) some passenger stopped to feel his pulse. And a women stopped with her car and asked: "Has somebody called?". This all happened while I was approaching the place. If someone else hadn't called, I would have done it.

How much time did pass before someone stopped, or someone called? To act in situations like this is not easy, unless you have the training for it. Of course, anyone knows how to call 911. Just the thought, that you would be lying there on the ground and not getting help fast enough is scary.

And the thought, that everyone has a story, a past and a future.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Bragging about Finland

Now I will do something unusual. In other countries this would be called normal. I'm going to tell you why Finland is the best country in the world (and I'm feeling a bit ashamed about it already).
You see, Business Insider thinks, that Finland has a shyness problem. And is so right about that.

Why not brag a little bit? Here we go. Everything works here. The appartments are warm (also in wintertime) and public transport is working. The length of maternity leave is 105 days, and for 75 years, Finland's expectant mothers have been given a box by the state (the maternity package). The baby can sleep in the box in the beginning. How cool is that?

There is a lot of availabe space here. You can go hiking in Lapland and may not meet anyone on your hike. The education system is great. Finnish students are frequently ranked amongst the top three in the world. We have an advanced technology infrastructure.

How about this? Finland is the most wired nation in the world with sophisticated digital and fiber optic voice and data processing networks. Finland and Denmark have the least corruption in the world. We have a lot of capable people here, free education and school lunch.

These are just a few great things about Finland. I love the nature here, it's easy to find woods to walk in or go to the lake for ice skating or skiing. There are plenty of places to pick berries and mushrooms. And in summertime there are so many beautiful places to visit and lakes to swim in.

I could continue. The point is here: Finland has done a very bad job in marketing itself. When I visited Australia someone was always telling how Australia is the best country in the world. Well, in Finland it just doesn't happen. More often someone complains about the lousy weather and the train that's late again.

Of course there are unsatisfactory things in every country. If one of them is that the train is late, we're lucky.

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The happiest country

 Hello from Finland, the happiest country in the world. Why are we so happy, and are we that happy? Maybe the answer is, that many things ar...